A dataset established by Sabine Selchow | 2025

This dataset provides the frequency (raw and normalized) of 656 terms in the main text of the World Development Reports (WDRs), 1978-2021. The WDR is the annual flagship publication of the World Bank. It was launched in 1978 under World Bank President Robert S. McNamara. Between 1978 and 2021 the World Bank published 43 WDRs. The dataset contains around 56,000 unique datapoints.
The dataset is publicly available on Cadmus, EUI Research Repository: https://hdl.handle.net/1814/77795
SELCHOW, Sabine Ulrike, The Language of the World Development Reports, 1978-2021 : Term Frequency Dataset, EUI, HEC, Research Data, 2025 - https://hdl.handle.net/1814/77795