An international workshop organised by Glenda Sluga and Guilherme Sampaio | 27-28 October 2022 | EUI, Florence

27 October 2022
09:00–09:30 Opening and welcome: Glenda Sluga (ERC/ECOINT Principal Investigator) and Guilherme Sampaio (ERC/ECOINT Research Fellow)
Panel 1: New Perspectives on the International Chamber of Commerce
Discussant: Pierre Eichenberger (University of Lausanne)
Madeleine Dungy (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim): Defining the Boundary between Public and Private Interest in International Trade Rules after the First World War
Guilherme Sampaio (ERC/ECOINT Research fellow): Unearthing the Invisibles. Women and the International Chamber of Commerce (1920s–1980s)
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
Panel 2: Businessmen and Imperialism from the League to the United Nations
Discussant: Jamie Martin (Harvard University)
Grace Ballor (Università Bocconi): ‘World Peace through World Trade’: The International Economic Thinking of IBM’s Thomas J. Watson
Giovanni Costenaro (EUI): Towards an ‘exploitation globale du globe’? Italian and West-German Business and the Beginning of the European Development Policies towards Africa (1955–1959)
Paul Turberg (University of Lausanne): The Swiss Pharmaceutical Industry and the Rise of the New International Economic Order (1974–1978)
12:30–14:00 Lunch Break
Panel 3: Environmental Governance and Business Internationalism
Discussant: Thomas David (University of Lausanne)
Ben Huf (University of Sydney): Business and the Planetary History of International
Environmental Governance in the 1970s
Robert Falkner (London School of Economics): International Business in Global Environmental Governance: From Stockholm to Rio and Johannesburg
Ann Bergquist (Umea University): Business Inaction: The International Chamber of Commerce and Responses to Climate Change from the 1970s to the early 1990s
15:45–17:00 Coffee Break
Book presentation: Jamie Martin (Harvard University): The Meddlers: Sovereignty, Empire, and the Birth of Global Economic Governance
19:30 Workshop Dinner (Reserved to speakers and organizers)
28 October 2022
Panel 4: Rethinking the International OrderDiscussant: Glenda Sluga (ERC/ECOINT Principal Investigator)
Bianca Centrone (Princeton University): ‘Care for the Human Factor’: Management, the Industrial Economy and International Cooperation in the Interwar Years
Johanna Gautier (ERC/ECOINT Research Fellow): ‘Please Find Enclosed Restricted Information’: Businesses, International Organizations, and the Production of Economic Knowledge
Sabine Selchow (ERC/ECOINT Senior Fellow): Contemporary Celebrity Tech- Businessmen and the UN: Insights from the Now to Inform our Study of the Past
11:15-11:30 Coffee Break
11.30-12:30 Closing Discussion: led by Glenda Sluga with all the discussants